Adoption Form

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How did you here about LRR
Do you have a Veterinarian?
Own a Home or Rent?
Selected Value: 0
If rent, has Landlord provided written approval to have a dog?
Do you have any pet restrictions?
Allergies to dogs in family?
Does everyone in the house want to adopt?
Do all household members agree to socialize the dog?
Any Children under the age of 10 in the household?
Any regular contact with children under 10?
Selected Value: 0
If there are no other animals currently living in your home, will your rescue dog have regular contact/socialization with others?
Have you ever sold or surrendered a pet?
Your preferences for a dog's age?
Your preferences for a dog's size?
Your preferences for a dog's gender?
Your preferences for a dog's coat?
Your preferences for a dog's coat color?
Your preferences for a dog's energy level?
How Active are you and your family?
Are you familiar with the use of a dog crate to train and/or confine the dog during your absence or at night?
Are you planning to use a crate?
Training a dog is mandatory. Do you vow to take your new pal to a trainer?
Selected Value: 0
Would you agree to return the dog to the rescue if you were unable to keep him/her?
Have you ever been convicted of animal abuse? Domestic Abuse? Physical assault?
It is IMPERATIVE that you notify Little Rhody Rescue & Quarantine Inc. at the onset of any type of illness or health problem within thirty (30) days following an adoption. Do you promise to tend to this if there should be an illness or issue?
Are you aware that costs of maintaining a dog can average $500 or more a year (food, annual check-ups & shots, heart worm & flea/tick prevention, grooming, etc.)?
Would you consider a special needs or handicapped dog that may require medication for a permanent (but controllable) condition?