Foster Therapy/Service Dog

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How did you hear about LRR?
Vet Clinic Name
Own or Rent?
Selected Value: 0
Any Pet Restrictions?
Do All Household Members Agree to Foster a Dog?
Any Children Under the Age of 10 in the Household?
Will the dog have regular contact with children under 10?
Selected Value: 0
Your preferences for a dog's energy level?
Are you familiar with the use of a dog crate to train and/or confine the dog during your absence or at night?
Are you planning to use a crate?
Training the therapy dog is mandatory. Do you vow to engage in required training?
Selected Value: 0
Would you agree to return the dog to the rescue if you were unable to keep him/her?
Have you ever been convicted of animal abuse? Domestic Abuse? Physical assault?
It is IMPERATIVE that you notify Little Rhody Rescue & Quarantine Inc. at the onset of any type of illness or health problem within thirty (30) days following an fostering. Do you promise to tend to this if there should be an illness or issue?
Are you aware that you are fostering a therapy/service dog that will eventually be with a designated family and you will have to part with the dog and you agree to part with the dog at that time?